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时间:2021-10-22    点击: 次    来源:不详    作者:佚名 - 小 + 大


  中国石化新闻网讯 据今日石油网2021年10月12日报道,全球能源行业先进技术领先供应商纳伯斯工业公司(Nabors Industries Ltd)宣布,其旗下的世界上第一部全自动陆上钻机PACE- R801日前为埃克森美孚公司在二叠纪盆地所钻的第一口水平井钻到了总深度。

  纳伯斯工业公司说,把该公司专有的自动钻井软件Smart Suite与PACE?-R801上的Canrig机器人技术相结合,可以创建一个无人钻台,将工作人员从红色区域排除,并提供稳定、可预测的钻井性能。



  李峻 编译自 今日石油网


  World’s first fully automated land rig drills first well for Exxon

  Nabors Industries Ltd. (NYSE: NBR), a leading provider of advanced technology for the global energy industry has announced its PACE-R801 – the world’s first fully automated land drilling rig – has reached total depth on its first well, a horizontal well for ExxonMobil in the Permian Basin.

  Combining Nabors proprietary Smart Suite of automated drilling software with Canrig robotics on the PACE?-R801 creates an unmanned rig floor that removes crews from red zone areas and delivers consistent, predictable drilling performance.

  Similar to concept vehicles in the automobile industry, this particular configuration of PACE-R801 is built to showcase Nabors technology and push the boundaries of industry performance and possibilities. The featured automation, robotics and digitalization technologies are available and operational across the Nabors fleet, and those of third parties globally.




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